Rocky Mountain Cloudywing
(Cecropterus rockiensis – formerly Cecropterus pylades)
Spread-wing Skippers
Appearance: Above, dark brown with tiny white spots on leading edge of forewing, reduced and not aligned with each other (compare with Southern Cloudywing). Fringes are checkered brown. Below, brown with gray overscaling and two dark bands on hindwing.
Wingspan: Medium; 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 inches.
Habitat: Pine oak woodlands, edges, fields, and meadows; foothills, montane.
Flight Times: May through July; one brood. Fully-grown caterpillars hibernate.
Larval Foodplant: Various plants in the pea family (Fabaceae).
Did You Know…
Northern Cloudywing is the most common and broadly distributed Thorybes skipper in North America.