Colorado Front Range Area
Geographic Region
The Front Range of Colorado extends roughly from the Continental Divide east to the Plains and the Colorado-Wyoming border south along the east side of the Rocky Mountains to the southern border of Pueblo County. This area includes the following counties: Larimer, Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Jefferson, Denver, Douglas, Park, Teller, El Paso, Fremont, and Pueblo.
This geographic region encompasses five biologic life zones; plains, foothills, montane, sub-alpine, and alpine, and partly explains why Boulder County, in the center of the defined area, has had verified sighting records for 203 butterfly species identified. In the designated Front Range area, there have been reported sightings of approximately 226 species, based on information from the website: Butterflies and Moths of North America.
Get Involved!
This website includes information on only some of the species in the checklists. We hope over time to have photos and information posted for as many species as possible found in the Front Range area. To accomplish this goal, we welcome participation within the butterfly community and nature lovers in general. We encourage advice and support from professional lepidopterists, nature photographers, butterfly watchers, and enthusiasts, which will help create a community website of benefit to everyone. Your input and resource contributions are encouraged and appreciated. All submitted and approved images will be credited with copyright retained by the original photographer.
Copyright Statement
For further information on copyright and/or use of specific images, please contact us.