Front Range Butterfly Guides
BUTTERFLIES OF THE COLORADO FRONT RANGE: A Photographic Guide to 100 Species, 2nd Edition, by Janet R. Chu and Stephen R. Jones.
This user-friendly book focuses on 100 frequently seen species from the Wyoming border to Pueblo. Easily identify butterflies using over 120 striking color photos of individuals in their natural setting, and clear descriptions of both males and females. Each entry also includes that species’ habitat and life cycle, the caterpillar’s host plants, and look-alike butterflies. The Introduction includes tips on where to find butterflies, how to get close to them, and what we can do to attract them to our gardens and preserve their sensitive habitats. Available in print and eBook format.
Butterflies of the Rocky Mountains: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Northeastern Arizona & Northern New Mexico, A Guide to Common and Notable Species [Pamphlet]. This is a waterproof, foldout quick guide with photos and text by Roland H. Wauer. Available at Amazon and some bookstores.