Field Guides and Resources
- Butterflies of the Rocky Mountains: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Northeastern Arizona & Northern New Mexico, A Guide to Common and Notable Species [Pamphlet], Roland H. Wauer (2012). A waterproof, foldable quick guide.
- Butterflies of the Colorado Front Range: A Photographic Guide to 80 Species, Janet R. Chu and Stephen R. Jones (2011)
- Butterflies of Rocky Mountain National Park, Leslie Angel (2005)
- Caterpillars in the Field and Garden, Thomas Allen, Jim Brock and Jeffrey Glassberg (2005)
- Butterflies of North America, Jim P. Brock and Kenn Kaufman (2003)
- Butterflies through Binoculars: The West, Jeffrey Glassberg (2001)
- A Field Guide to Western Butterflies, Paul Opler (1999)
- Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths, Paul Opler (1994)
- Handbook for Butterfly Watchers, Robert Michael Pyle (1984)-(1992)
- The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies, Robert Michael Pyle (1981)
- Butterflies and Moths of North America, hosted and maintained by Kelly Lotts and Thomas Naberhaus of the Butterfly and Moth Information Network.
- Butterflies of America, sponsored by The Butterflies of America Foundation (BOAF), which is a nonprofit organization devoted to the scientific study of American butterflies and educating the public about these insects.
- Butterflies of the World, sponsored by The Butterflies of the World Foundation (BOTWF), which is dedicated to improving public awareness of the conservation of butterflies and butterfly habitat and enhancing public enjoyment of butterflies through educational programs and presentations.