Mexican Cloudywing
(Thorybes mexicanus)
Spread-wing Skippers
Appearance: Above, golden-brown with a few dark-edged glassy white spots varying in size on forewing. Below, mottled brown with the outer portion of wings pale gray or pink in cast. The forewing spots are apparent; hindwing has brown striations.
Wingspan: Small; 1 1/8 to 1 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Meadows, slopes, and clearings, often near mud or moist areas and streams; montane, sub-alpine, alpine.
Flight Times: June to August; one brood.
Larval Foodplant: Clovers, wild pea, and vetches.
Did You Know…
Males perch on or near ground on hilltops. Smaller and usually occurs at higher elevations than the Northern Cloudywing.