Southern Dogface
(Zerene cesonia)
Appearance: Forewing tips pointed. Above, yellow and black forewing with the outline of a yellow dogface looking toward the trailing edge of the forewing. Hindwing is yellow on the female; male has narrow black markings on the hindwing margin. The male is quite vivid, the female less so and more diffuse. Below, bright to pale yellow. When backlit the “dogface” may show through below.
Wingspan: Medium; 2 1/8 to 3 inches.
Habitat: Dry, open habitats such as weedy pastures, dry hillsides, and short grass prairies; plains.
Flight Times: May to August; one brood.
Larval Foodplant: Small-leaved plants in the pea family; clovers, indigo, alfalfa.
Did You Know…
The male is so vivid that seeing a bright yellow and black sulphur in flight will probably be a Southern Dogface. Adult overwinters in reproductive diapause.