Sleepy Orange
(Abaeis nicippe)
Appearance: Above, orange in both male and female with a wide black border (male) and small black cell spot on forewing; female borders not as well defined. Below, orange-yellow with rust or light brown smudges on the hindwing; black cell spot on forewing.
Wingspan: Medium; 1 3/8 to 2 1/4 inches.
Habitat: Many open habitats such as disturbed or fallow fields, gardens and roadsides; plains, foothills.
Flight Times: Mid-summer into fall.
Larval Foodplant: Sennas; flowering plants in the legume family.
Did You Know…
This butterfly is misnamed; it is an erratic, but fast flyer. The “sleepy” refers to the black cell spot on the forewing which looks to some like a closed eye.