Red Admiral

(Vanessa atalanta)
True Brushfoots

Appearance: A very distinctive butterfly, brownish-black above with a reddish orange median band on forewing and similar band on trailing edge of hindwing.  Below, forewing shows white patches near tip with light blue patches on leading edge and red median band; hindwing mottled brown and black.

Wingspan: Medium; 1 3/4 to 2 1/2 inches.

Habitat: Widespread in a variety of habitats – forest clearings, streamsides, moist fields, woods, parks, and marshes; plains, foothills, montane.

Flight Times: April to September; two broods.  Overwinters as adult.

Larval Foodplant: Species of the nettle family (Urticaceae) are best known host plants, especially American Stinging Nettle locally.

Did You Know…
The forewing edge below shows red, white, and blue – the colors symbolic of our national flag – a very patriotic butterfly. It also belongs to the same genus (Vanessa) as our three species of “lady butterflies” so it is properly a “lady” also.  Adults prefer sap on trees, fermenting fruit, and bird droppings, but will visit flowers when these aren’t available.