Western White
(Pontia occidentalis)
Appearance: Very similar to and difficult to separate from Checkered White. Generally white above with a central black bar on leading edge of forewing. Marginal chevrons tend to be gray while submarginal spots tend to be darker. Males generally more lightly marked than females. Below, yellow-green veining on forewing apex and hindwing.
Wingspan: Small; 1 1/2 to 2 1/8 inches.
Habitat: Forest openings, grasslands, and meadows; plains, foothills, montane.
Flight Times: March to August; two broods, one at higher elevations. Chrysalis overwinters.
Larval Foodplant: Native mustards.
Did You Know…
“The Western White hilltops, rambles and roams and can turn up in virtually any locality” (Pyle, 2002).