(Callophrys eryphon)
Hairstreaks and Elfins
Appearance: Overall reddish brown below with bold, irregular jagged lines of black, white and chestnut brown on underside of hindwing. The lines on the underside of the forewing are similar, straighter and fewer in number. The outer margin of both wings beneath show sharply pointed black crescents. Above, varies from light brown to reddish-brown.
Wingspan: Small; 7/8 to 1 3/8 inches.
Habitat: Pine forests with openings, along trails, stream sides and roads; foothills, lower montane.
Flight Times: April to early July; one brood.
Larval Foodplant: Young needles of pines including lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), limber pine (P. flexilis), and ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa).
Did You Know…
They are often seen perched on shrubs or trees along trails. Eggs are laid at the base of young needles; caterpillars feed on young needles and catkins. Chrysalis overwinters and adults emerge in spring. The Western Pine Elfin and the Pine White are the only local butterflies that require pine foliage for food.