Sandhill Skipper
(Polites sabuleti)
Grass Skippers
Appearance: Above, male orange to pale orange radiating out along the veins. Male has dark ‘felt’ stigma and dark toothed borders; female has heavier markings and almost transparent light spots. Below, hindwing on both sexes is yellow-tan with yellow veins and a pronounced jagged or ‘sawtooth’ chevron which extends outward between veins on outer margins.
Wingspan: Small; 7/8 to 1 1/4 inches.
Habitat: Sub-alpine meadows, dry grasslands, lawns, roadsides and sloughs bordered by grassy areas.
Flight Times: Spring to fall; one to three broods dependent on elevation. Late June to mid-July at higher elevations. Overwinters as chrysalis.
Larval Foodplant: Grasses; Saltgrass, Bermuda grass, and others.
Did You Know…
Extremely variable; could be a complex of more than one biological species (Opler, 1999). This species is a tough call, as are a number of the Hesperia and Polites. The consultation of an expert is definitely helpful.