(Tharsalea helliodes – formerly Lycaena helloides)
Appearance: Males above brown with purplish cast on both wings and light scattering of black spots. Females brown with extensive orange coloring with similar pattern of black spots. Both sexes show prominent zigzag orange line along outer edge of hindwing. Underside hindwing of both male and female have grayish lavender with thin orange submarginal line.
Wingspan: Small; 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Wide variety of open moist areas, streamsides, meadows, marshes, and roadsides; plains, foothills, montane, alpine.
Flight Times: May to mid-September; several broods. Chrysalis overwinters.
Larval Foodplant: Docks, sorrels, cinquefoils and knotweeds.
Did You Know…
Found in higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains and very similar and difficult to separate from the Dorcas Copper where they occur together.