(Battus philenor)
Appearance: Black above with a single row of pale spots along trailing edge of wings; more evident on females. Male above has blue iridescence on hindwing; much less obvious on females. Hindwing below has marginal row of 7 orange spots on bluish background. Flight is low and fluttery, flutters wings even when perched.
Wingspan: Large; 2 3/4 to 5 inches.
Habitat: Open habitats, fields, stream bottoms, open woodlands, and gardens; plains, foothills.
Flight Times: Late summer and fall. This species is more common in the east, south, southwest and California. Sometimes wanders north from south and southwest, especially after a strong and persistent southerly wind.
Larval Foodplant: Pipevines.
Did You Know…
Caterpillars feed on noxious pipevines, and therefore adults are distasteful to birds. Several species such as Spicebush Swallowtail, female Black Swallowtail and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (black form) mimic the Pipevine.