Pallid Crescent
(Phyciodes pallida)
True Brushfoots
Appearance: Antenna clubs orange. Above, mostly pale orange with subdued black markings, and a noticeable black spot on the lower edge of the forewing. Below, hindwing variable, usually mottled yellowish tan and white. Can be confused with the Mylitta Crescent which averages a bit smaller and usually does not appear north of the Palmer Divide along the front range.
Wingspan: Small; 1 3/8 to 1 5/8 inches.
Habitat: Streamsides, gullies, hillsides, ridges, dry fields; foothills, montane.
Flight Times: April to June; one brood. Chrysalis overwinters.
Larval Foodplant: Thistles
Did You Know…
Males perch near streams, gullies and paths looking for females. Adults nectar on yellow composites (Opler, 1999).