Northwestern Fritillary
(Argynnis hesperis)
Appearance: Above, both wings are orange-brown, often darker at base and swollen black veins especially on forewing; male has black scales on veins. Below, hindwing with basal disk of reddish-brown to brown with pale submarginal band; spots silvered or unsilvered. Marginal and submarginal black spots are small. Eyes blue-gray.
Wingspan: Medium; 2 to 2 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Moist meadows, open woodlands and hillsides, wooded streamsides; foothills, montane.
Flight Times: Late June to early September; one brood.
Larval Foodplant: Violets.
Did You Know…
Males patrol during the day in open areas. Eggs are laid singly on leaf litter near host plant. Unfed first-stage caterpillars overwinter, emerging in spring to feed on host plant leaves. Eye color can be used to distinguish this species from the similar Aphrodite Fritillary which has yellow-green eyes.