(Aglais milberti)
True Brushfoots
Wingspan: Medium; 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Stream sides, wet meadows near woodlands, marshes, prairies, tundra; plains, foothills, montane, alpine.
Flight Times: Late February to mid-September. Adults overwinter, sometimes in small groups, and emerge in February or March.
Larval Foodplant: Nettles.
Did You Know…
Female lays large clusters of eggs (up to 900) on underside of host plant leaves. Caterpillars feed gregariously, later solo and can construct a folded leaf tent before pupation (Pyle, 1981). Because the new adults emerge mid-summer, fly into the fall, and overwinter until the following spring, like other Polygonia and Nymphalids, they might be seen on the wing any day of the year (Pyle, 2002).