Long Dash Skipper
(Limochores mystic – formerly Polites mystic)
Grass Skippers
Appearance: Above, brown with reddish-orange markings and black edging. Female forewing has broad black patch at the base. Male forewing has long stigma connected to the dash near the edge creating a ‘long dash.’ Below, orange-brown with contrasting curved band of equally-sized yellow spots and short basal spot on the hindwing.
Wingspan: Small; 1 1/8 to 1 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Open, moist grassy areas, meadows, streamsides, roadsides; foothills.
Flight Times: Late May to early August; one brood. Fourth-stage caterpillars hibernate.
Larval Foodplant: Bluegrasses.
Did You Know…
This kind of Skipper has adjusted very well to habitat disturbance and agriculture. It can even be found in cities.