Juba Skipper
(Hesperia juba)
Grass Skippers
Appearance: Large compared to other skippers. Above, male is orange-brown with irregular brownish-black borders pointing inward and has a thin black stigma. Female is larger than male with brighter markings and two dark spots in the center (disc) area of the forewing. Below, large rectangular white or silvered submarginal spots standout against a greenish-brown background.
Wingspan: Small; 1 1/4 to 1 5/8 inches.
Habitat: Open woodlands, mountain meadows and hilly grasslands; foothills.
Flight Times: May to June and August to September; two broods.
Larval Foodplant: Grasses.
Did You Know…
“A big Juba gives the impression of a bumblebee with colored wings….” (Pyle, 2002).