Gray Hairstreak
(Strymon melinus)
Hairstreaks and Elfins
Appearance: Above, blue-gray with well-defined orange spot near tail. Below, uniform gray with black and white postmedian lines edged with orange inwardly. Tip of the gray abdomen is orange on males.
Wingspan: Small; 7/8 to 1 3/8 inches.
Habitat: Open, non-forested areas where host plants are available, prairies, fields, meadows, weedy areas; plains, foothills, montane.
Flight Times: March to September; two broods.
Larval Foodplant: Flowers and fruits from many members of the pea and mallow families.
Did You Know…
Unlike most hairstreaks, Gray Hairstreaks often bask with wings spread (Brock, 2003).