Common (Ochre) Ringlet
(Coenonympha california ochracea – formerly Coenonympha tullia ochracea)
Satyrs and Wood-nymphs
Appearance: The underside of the forewing is an orange-brown color with a prominent pale-rimmed black eyespot at the tip of the forewing. The hindwing below is a darker gray-green with an irregular white median band and often some small eyespots along outer edge. Above, both wing surfaces are a pale orange brown.
Wingspan: Small; 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
Habitat: Open grassy areas in a wide variety of habitats; fields, grasslands, meadows; plains, foothills, montane.
Flight Times: May to September. Caterpillars overwinter.
Larval Foodplant: Grasses and rushes.
Did You Know…
To seek females, males patrol above the tops of grasses with a bouncy flight. There is nothing “common” about this small, warmly colored, butterfly with its weak flight and inconspicuous nature. Some prefer the “ochre” part of the name referring to its warm orange-brown colors above.