Clouded Sulphur

(Colias eriphyle – formerly Colias philodice)

Appearance: Above, males are bright yellow with a broad black band along trailing edges of both wings and a black spot on each forewing. Below, both sexes yellow with some pink on edges, hindwing spot usually double, ringed with orange-pink. Forewing has a black or sometimes light ringed spot. Female has two forms – yellow with black edging enclosing yellow spots on the forewing, and a greenish-white.  Their flight is direct, but erratic.

Wingspan: Medium; 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches.

Habitat: Open habitats like cultivated fields, meadows, mountain parks, roadsides and alfalfa fields; plains, foothills, montane.

Flight Times: March through October, one to three broods.

Larval Foodplant: Legumes – white clover, alfalfa, vetches and golden banners.

Did You Know…
Caterpillars hibernate over the winter, but when the adults emerge in the spring, it will take a patient and lucky photographer to catch a Clouded Sulphur at rest with wings spread. Most sulphurs rest with their wings closed.