California Tortoiseshell
(Nymphalis californica)
True Brushfoots
Appearance: Jagged wing edges. Above, mostly orange-brown with dark margins and a few black spots on the forewing. Below, mottled light to dark brown coloring with darker wing bases. Hindwing does not have an central silver spot.
Wingspan: Medium; 1 1/4 to 2 3/4 inches.
Habitat: Open woodlands, forest edges, and brush areas; foothills.
Flight Times: Adults overwinter and emerge in early spring to fly until April or May when mating occurs; one brood. The one brood completes its life cycle to adult, flies until fall, and then hibernates until the following spring. Males hilltop.
Larval Foodplant: Buckbrushes, various species of wild lilac, wild plum, aspen, willows.
Did You Know…
Occasionally this species irrupts in huge numbers and spreads far beyond its normal range. At such times roads can become slippery from their caterpillars and/or carcasses.