Boisduval’s Blue
(Icaricia icarioides – formerly Plebejus icarioides)
Appearance: Hindwing below with postmedian spot band variable from almost all white to black circled in white and forewing shows larger bold black spot band circled in white. Above, male violet-blue and female brown, both with a white fringe. Black cell-end bar prominent on forewing above and below.
Wingspan: Small; 1 to 1 3/8 inches (large in comparison to other blues).
Habitat: Mountain meadows and forest openings with abundant lupine species; foothills, montane.
Season: May through August; one brood.
Larval Foodplant: Various lupine species (Lupinus) in the pea family.
Did You Know…
Eggs are laid on new growth of host plants. Caterpillars feed first on leaves, then flowers and seedpods. Overwinter in the caterpillar (larval) form. The caterpillars exist in a symbiotic relationship with ants by secreting a sweet substance (“honey dew”) favored by the ants which in turn offer some protection against predators.