(Tharsalea heteronea)
Appearance: Above, male is brilliant blue with no spots and with fine black veins and border fringed with white; female dull gray-brown or light blue with a scattering of black spots and white fringe. Below, both male and female white to gray with no or few black spots.
Wingspan: Small; 1 1/8 to 1 3/4 inches.
Habitat: Brushy areas, canyons, moist meadows and open areas; foothills, montane.
Flight Times: May to August; one brood. Female lays eggs on the bracts of host plants where they overwinter.
Larval Foodplant: Sulphur flower, wild buckwheats.
Did You Know…
Most male coppers set up a perch and wait for females to pass; Blue Coppers patrol and search for females, much like “true blue” males (Opler, 1999). Erratic flier found close to the ground. Often mistaken for Boisduval’s Blue.