Arctic Blue
(Agriades glandon rustica)
Appearance: The ventral (below) side of hindwing usually has white band just inward of white marginal spots with male grayish-blue and female ochre-colored. Both show two black spots on leading edge of hindwing below. Above, male is grayish-blue with black cell-end bars on both wings; female brown with similar cell-end bars on forewing only.
Wingspan: Small; 7/8 to 1 inch.
Habitat: Montane and subalpine meadows, alpine tundra.
Flight Times: May/June to late September.
Larval Foodplant: Rock Primrose.
Did You Know…
Eggs are laid singly on leaves, bracts, or sepals of the host plant. Caterpillars or chrysalids overwinter.