Pacuvius Duskywing

(Gesta pacuvius – formerly Erynnis pacuvius)
Spread-wing Skippers

Appearance: Above, forewings dark with mosaic of brown, black, or gray and pale orange-brown patches. Upperside hindwings are unmarked brown with white fringes. Below, both wings are a plain brown with submarginal band of pale white spots.  Light rings around abdomen.

Wingspan: Small; 1 1/8 to 1 1/2 inches.

Habitat: Mixed open woodlands and coniferous forests, streamsides; foothills, montane.

Flight Times: May to August; one brood.  Caterpillar overwinters.

Larval Foodplant:  Buckbrushes (Ceanothus species).

Did You Know…
Similar to Persius Duskywing which has a duskier gray look on the forewing, lacks the hindwing white fringe and uses legumes (Golden Banner locally) as its host plant.